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Content Marketing

Content marketing is the creation and sharing of online materials (such as blogs, videos, podcasts, case studies, articles, infographics, etc.) that do not explicitly promote a brand but are intended to stimulate interest in your dispute resolution services. It is an effective way to build trust, authenticity and loyalty with current and prospective clients. It is the best way to highlight your areas of expertise and specialism and also create dialogue and engagement.

Blog Writing

Tips and Tools for writing an effective blog

Don't sacrifice wisdom for the sake of concision. Don't necessarily enforce a strict word count on your blog. That said general SEO best practice suggests that articles should fall in the 1,000 - 1,500 word range. You don’t need to try to hit a specific word count though.  Focus on rich, considered elucidations that readers of different levels can appreciate and learn from. It's better to expound a concept than be too brief and leave some readers speculating.

The best blog copy is unassuming, accessible, and vibrant. Don't get fixed on trying to make a intricate sentence structure work when a modest one works better. Use your natural voice and promote authenticity. Readers are drawn to the person. 

Ideally paragraphs should be no more than three to five sentences long. Large chunks of words may fail to capture the attention of the reader and discourage them from finishing the article. One way of supporting a good format is to add bulleted lists to help break up compressed copy pieces.


Always include a conclusion.

When including images, follow best practice and cite the image source. Hyperlink any text with the page you found the image on. Clear attribution should be given to original sources at all times. Always use alt text with your image. It is best practice to do so and also helps with SEO.

Always perform a spell check and a grammar check.

Include a short author bio, headshot, and any links to your LinkedIn or Twitter accounts you'd like linked.

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Additional Services

As well as the blog writing service above we can offer administrative support with any form of content creation and publication. 

Articles & Case Studies

Podcasts & Videos

Webinars and Workshops

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